Read and Unlock Spiritual Power with Kindle

We are certainly a product of everything we do, and everything have done. Everything we have listened to, seen and experienced. Our minds understanding the world through the senses and the emotional response of the soul.

For some words are philosophical and some are phenomenon’s, notions and concepts. Although ultimately, they are the key to understanding existence and help us to describe the perception of the world, we have. Because they are designed to describe the world. But in that knowing we can discover the world with words.

Words can be used to describe things that are not tangible such as happiness, joy and love.

It does not end there with the spiritual and health benefits of reading. Reading burns a lot of calories and is a good way to lose weight without damaging your body. You will lose weight due to calorie requirements of the heightened brain functioning you use when you read. But obviously you will not become fitter physically; in the sense of stamina and physical strength.

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Just think of ancient times when people would have voyaged many miles to go to the far-off library to read by candle light.

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The philosophy of something that you read can empower you, fill you with joy and set you free philosophically. Ghandi said “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”

There is a sense of liberation that you can have from reading fiction, that notably can also give you life lessons. As often the fiction is a parable of experience that can nurture you in strength and resolution of self. You can live a thousand lives in the digestion of fictional literature. And if you want to travel through time, you can. You can experience stories of distant lands. The opportunity is endless.

Cultural, social, political and historical contextualisation of times in addition to fiction we can easily travel through time to observe an artificially created fictional image of the past, present or future.

Do you know

Do you know what a Colosseum is? And do you know who Daniel is? So, Do you know how Christian leaders in Rome forbid blood sport. And no longer did the roman empire capture slaves from the world to be tortured and mutilated in a Colosseum for the entertainment of the aristocracy of Rome and the other empires. Can you imagine hearing the drums of Constantine beating in triumph before and after the great battle, that emancipated Christianity? Knowing that no longer would Rome continue there holocaust on the Christian people. Can you imagine Elizabeth the first making a speech so powerful that women in the entire nation of Britain were no longer seen as animal? Can you imagine William Wallace uniting the Scots? Boadicea leading a nation of ill prepared barbarians against Rome? Because of these things you can be revitalised embroiled in passion.

Surely, no one person can know the infamous answer to the question life. If you read you can hear as many answers to life’s big questions as books you can obtain. Now in modern days we have the ability to absorb anything in the world through the globalisation of arts and culture on the internet. Notably illiteracy was a virile problem in the past. its only the past few decades that it is a common feature of society. Knowledge and learning were restricted to the affluent.

Power of Poetry

And something I want to mention briefly because it’s powerful in its own right is the power of poetry. It stimulates areas of the brain and can induce emotional responses that are in no other words beautiful.

So develop your spiritual power with something we know in rationality and logic is a way we can, Read.

Even the inaudible can be heard in the power of words.

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