Here at Soul Full Gift we have selected a set of Wind Chimes as a great gift for selection. And purchase through the trusted retailer amazon.

Wind Chimes are a great meditation and relaxation item. This is because as the wind gently moves the chimes the gentle sound creates relaxation. The fact that it is powered by the elements adds a feeling of connectivity to nature.

So, to have an item that creates gentle music powered by the wind is a glorious meditation accessory as it connects us with nature and creates a closer relationship with the elements.

We have selected a variety of Wind Chimes so as, to cater for everyone’s style desires.

First wind chime; Bamboo

This wind chime is as authentic as you can buy created by a fair trade organisation. It is a highly well though out design. The coconut top and bamboo hangings make it authentic. And because of the synthetic string and waxed and varnished finish it will not perish in the garden. So it has longevity and still maintains the style of wind chime we are often acquainted with. Placed first for its authentic design, cost and its fair trade creation.

Second Wind Chime; Bronze.

The next wind chime is the Woodstock bronze aluminium wind chime. It is a brilliant choice as the sound quality resonates in a different manner to the wooden. Creating a gentle yet powerful tune through the vibrations of the elements. It is known as ‘The Worlds favourite Windcatcher’ they proclaim this and the high quality parts made of aluminium bronze indicate why this is. So why not share in the enchanting tunes created by this niche product.

Third Wind Chime and Light

This wind chime has been selected because it has a light function. The solar panel charges the light so that in the night you can have light. It adds extra ambience to the wind chime in the garden yet it is not a traditional style. The choice is yours. Perhaps more than one wind chime is the answer.



These 3 wind chimes are a great choice for your garden décor. Because of the gentle meditative and enchanting tunes. These tunes created by nature attuning you to the earth. They are a great choice as a gift for you or another. To see more Wind chimes follow this link here. Ultimately, even if you have not thought of this a choice as a gift, it can be a great and relaxing one.

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