Candles and meditation overview

There is the well-known notion of ‘Clearing your mind’ What does this mean? We can wonder if it is simply a silence and calmness of inner thought. And then more if it is removing from your consciousness those elements of life that damage your happiness.

There is a lot to be said meditation aside the flickering light of a candle, it adds ambience and perspective. This collection of posts will evaluate some Candle options for your spiritual décor and meditations.

This candle is a great choice for purchase because it comes in a glass jar adding a sense of security as you delve deep into meditation.

Another great feature is that it comes in array of flavours of scents that you can see above and they boast a light of over 110hours+.

Meditation styles

The following are broad categories that define different meditations you can do aside the flickering light of a candle among many more.

Firstly, there is the mindfulness meditation that you focus upon your breathing and emptying the mind.

Secondly there is learning to meditate with empathy on matters that discomfort your consciousness.

Thirdly there is meditation of reflection on life to focus on memories of past to try and gleam some sense of wisdom and often purpose in life. Viewing life as a set of parables is useful.

The word meditation itself etymologically is derived from the Latin meditation, from a verb meaning “to think, contemplate, devise, ponder”. These candle are a great choice because it is contained in a glass jar and is therefore adds security as you meditate with your eyes closed. This comfort as you delve into meditation cannot be understated. The candle boasts 110 to 150 hours of time that it can be lit imagine what spiritual truths you could discover in such time.


To meditate on truth, contemplate life and its parables, devise a greater outlook and ponder life. These candles are completely recyclable adding to the good karma and clean living. It is a great gift for anyone of a spiritual persuasion and people who enjoy clean sweet aromas. It would fit in the décor of anyone’s home; due to the range available. Wonder if they have your favourite aroma such as Lavender click here. Are you ready to meditate on your spiritual journey or know someone whom would adore this gift click here for a sampler purchase of a variety of flavours. So as to choose your favourite for future purchase.

For more on the concept of meditation please follow the link here.