Educational Gifts for Kids

Here at Soul Full Gift we desire to show you both gifts with purpose and splendour. Here we have a great gift with purpose for the kids. Reading is a finitely important part of modern life and getting your kids to develop their reading skills is important.

The sponge like brain they have at a young age is the perfect time to begin reading and developing reading skills. In fact, statistics show that there is a correlation between reading at a young age and being a competent reader by adulthood.

It is so important to encourage this behaviour of recreational reading. This is because it can allow for the expansion of the mind and better performances in Education. Something almost every parent wants.

Kindle for Kids

Here are some kindles for kids to begin the journey to better literacy:

Not only this there is the matter that as the kid learns more words, they are able to structurally organise concepts in their mind using categories etc. i.e. triangle and square are a shape or Sadness, happiness are emotions. Reading liberates the mind of anyone and particularly children as they have more words to articulate how they feel and to describe the world they are in.

Now to delve into the academic research we find in the renowned essays of Noam Chomsky. And his findings that there is an inbuilt grammar system in the child. This inbuilt grammar system assists with learning which is only active for a certain amount of time. After this time the child is less receptive to language. Though this is largely in reference to spoken language it is noted by scholars that during the transition to a less receptive mind in childhood. In terms of language development they must begin to read to consolidate the two skills. If these essential moments of cognitive development are missed, then it makes studying and learning far more difficult in the future. Indeed, even speaking can become difficult for the child if missing these vital stages.

Almost an essential buy

So, from speaking to reading this time in the kid’s life is essential and you can purchase Kindle for Kids at such an affordable cost. Because of these very reasons that we have spoken of. This is because it is essential, they develop their abilities. And sometimes school is not enough, or perhaps advancing in these skills is desired by the child and or the parent. Or perhaps they have already got the reading bug and love journeying through their imagination and intellectual minds.

The best thing is they get a free trial for 30 days and the subscriptions start from as little as £1.99 a month. Such a cost is literally nothing in comparison to the fun and intellectual development your child can have. Also, it doesn’t stop at basic reading the kindle for kids extends to educational games and educational videos. All of this in a safe child friendly environment. Something difficult to find elsewhere in this age of the internet. So it is a platform where they can navigate on their own safely and learn and read. For a betterment of an intellectual and their developmental future.

Check out the link to Best gifts for book worms here.


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