Quitting smoking is a laborious task. Because over the time of smoking your body becomes reliant on nicotine and the other chemicals in cigarettes. At Soul full gift we offer the opportunity to purchase some great items for yourself or another. Here and in no particular order are the products we have selected. They are in no order because it is a matter of preference as to how you quit.

So in regards to smoking there are two addictions at play the physiological in which in your body Nicotine has become an essential part of maintenance of day to day regulation in the brain etc. And the Habitual Addiction or psychological addiction of the action of smoking.

5 great options for smoking cessation

1.ECig This contraption allows you to face both the forms of addiction as you are able to smoke the vapour. There is the danger however with this product that you simply supplement smoking for the ECig. Or even purchase a E liquid too strong so you become even more reliant on nicotine.

2. Is this herbal tobacco alternative. In combination with a reduction of Nicotine this can be very useful. Because the person with this product can fulfil the habitual addiction without relapsing on Nicotine.

3. A great product would be Nicorette Gum. This product is a fast acting nicotine replacement that you can purchase to match your smoking intake and relieve the habituated desire to smoke. Though you are still intaking nicotine at least the psychological desire to smoke is disrupted.


4.The Shisha Pipe this is a great way to quit smoking as it is most often nicotine free. It is as old as time and has been a method for quitting smoking for millennium. You can get an array of fruits to smoke that are a sensory delight.

Finally when quitting smoking; snacks are essential. Here are some options among many more when you follow the links. Amazon Fresh is a great service because you can order what you desire to be delivered. Treating yourself with your favourite foods is essential as your appetite rises. As the feeling of needing a cig is similar to hunger.


In conclusion here we have products that can disrupt both forms of addiction that we may have in regards to smoking. Purchasing them all is one way though each has its merits for quitting individually. Smoking is a very difficult thing to quit and every accessory to cessation is valued because of how difficult this addiction is to defeat.

Check the Music post to add relaxation of music to the journey of quitting. Click here.